Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Balane's Birthday Bash

Tue, 5 Jul 2011.

By the way... I'm back, bitches.

This is my third Balane Birthday. First was two years ago, when my blockmates brought me in to read poetry. Second was last year, and the third was this year.

First, we read him some Neruda. That's Liway. We went to college together. The guy on the guitar is Roi. We play in the same band. Notice how stiff everyone in the background is. Recitation's over, classmates, relax.

Then they imported someone from another class who speaks Spanish, and made him sing a Spanish song like Enrique Iglesias. It's the same song Christian Silva sang last year. Because I was bored, and because my classmates were too serious, I took one of those hotdog balloons and made a party hat.

Then after that, everyone started making party hats. The first one I made, I gave to Ms. Sacramento...

...who in turn gave it to Sir Balane.

Wait, what? Balane in a balloon hat? Let's see that again up close.

Awww. How cute. Take that, Ateneo. We got him to wear an inflated condom on his head.

*pics taken with my crappy BlackBerry camera

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